Ele-Mental Health

Enrolment for the Autumn 2024 group is now open!

(closes on 10 April)

Ele-Mental Health is a 12-week program designed to give you the tools you need to address your mental and emotional wellbeing in a holistic and natural way. Success in the program calls for a deep commitment to Self and an openness and readiness to explore how the body, mind, emotions and spirit interact to create either ease or unrest within us.

The path of mental and emotional healing (as well as evolution of consciousness and physical health) is a lifelong journey. This program will guide you along that path and provide understanding, perspective, experience, and practical guidance that can be applied through your lifetime.

The depth to which you go during the 12 weeks is entirely up to you and can be customised by selecting the program tier that is right for you. A deeper experience of healing can be facilitated by working the program in tandem with various types of practitioners, e.g., counselor, psychologist, somatic therapist, energy/spiritual healer, sound healer, bodyworker, or myself (naturopathic medicine). This will be discussed in depth within the program.

Online Course

The core of the program is the Ele-Mental Health online course. The online course is a roadmap to improved mental and emotional health, consisting of:

  • Twelve (12) modules of experiential learning to guide you through aspects of body, mind, emotions and spirit (outlined in detail below)

  • A combination of learning topics, guided meditations, worksheets, self-reflection, nature connection, self-regulation/care, mindset and lifestyle practices all aimed to holistically and naturally evolve your mental and emotional health and consciousness

  • One module per week, with weekly emails to keep you on track

  • A private online community on the course platform (not social media), for discussions, reflections and questions.

The 12-week online course is $80 per fortnight (6 payments), or a discounted rate of $444 if paid upfront. If you would like continued access to the online modules after the 12 weeks, you can continue for $44 per month and cancel at any time.

The online-only tier is best for those who have already addressed (or are addressing) the potential physical causes of mental/emotional unrest through naturopathic assessment and treatment, or have no physical/body symptoms or diagnoses and are comfortable with self-directed learning.

Individualised Support

If you benefit from one-on-one support and accountability, the coaching tier provides discounted fortnightly 30 minute coaching calls (6 total calls) via Zoom. In these calls, you can explore any topics or challenges you are having as you travel through the online course material.

Coaching can provide additional motivation, insight when you feel 'stuck', and sometimes may include referral to other practitioners if challenges are beyond the level of the course. This can be useful for those who are feeling a bit out of their depth in self-exploration and need further support.

The coaching tier is an additional $50 per fortnight (6 payments), or a discounted rate of $280 if paid upfront. It is only available as an add-on to the online program.

And finally, if you have any long-term physical symptoms or medical diagnoses, this can point strongly to a potential physical cause related to your mental/emotional unrest. This can include symptoms like fatigue, insomnia, digestive disturbances or chronic pain.

Either the online-only or coaching tier enrolment can be bundled with a series of four (4) discounted naturopathic medicine consultations to assess your physical health and get you onto a treatment plan to address your physical concerns. This bundle of visits includes an Initial Consultation, two (2) Follow Up Consultations and a Nutritional Coaching visit.

The cost of the consultation bundle is $475, with a choice of in-person or online Zoom appointments. You will receive a link to access this bundle with your program welcome email, and you can choose to add this bundle at any time during your 12-week online program or later. If the online program doesn't feel right for you, but you'd like to arrange for the consultation bundle to address your mental and emotional wellness, please email [email protected] and request the link.

The consultation cost doesn't include the costs of any functional or pathology testing or any prescriptions of herbs, supplements or other natural remedies. The need for these will be assessed during naturopathic consultation, and I will work with you to fit testing and prescriptions within your budgetary needs.

If you are called to this program but unsure of which option is best for you, please schedule a free 15-minute call so that I can provide some guidance before enrolment.

What to Expect

Week One:

Foundations of Mental/Emotional Wellness

  • Clear space for the Self

  • Reflect on your starting point through guided meditation and a worksheet

  • Understand the power of tandem healing of body, mind, emotions, and spirit connection

  • Understand how the nervous system mediates whether we are in a safe, healing mode or in survival mode

  • Begin to increase awareness, self-regulation and self-attending

Week Two:

Balancing the Elements of Nature Within

  • Honour your human connection with nature and the four elements

  • Understand how the elements and cycles are reflected in the body, mind and emotions

  • Explore and practice balance of the elements within yourself

  • Connect with nature through the cycles and seasons

  • Begin the journey of rewilding

  • Stoke your vital force and internal healing power

Week Three:

The Body: Addressing Physical Causes of Mental and Emotional Unrest, Part 1

  • Understand the main physical causes of mental and emotional unrest

  • Understand the cues from the body that your nervous system is in survival mode or healing mode

  • Shift perspective toward your body as a sacred vessel of experience

  • Practice nervous system regulation with hydrotherapy at home

  • Focus on hydration and sleep as two key factors for mental and emotional wellness

Week Four:

The Body: Addressing Physical Causes of Mental and Emotional Unrest, Part 2

  • Understand how inflammation, digestion, nutrient deficiencies and blood sugar imbalances all play into mental and emotional unrest

  • Explore your physical energy leaks and how they keep you in survival mode

  • Connect with the Earth in meditation

  • Focus on how and what you are eating to support mental and emotional wellness

Week Five:

The Body: Addressing Physical Causes of Mental and Emotional Unrest, Part 3

  • Understand how hormones, toxic exposures, food sensitivities, your genes, and cellular/organ system function relate to mental and emotional unrest

  • Engage in deep body listening and following the body's guidance

  • Explore the concept/experience of stagnation and the balance provided by movement

  • Create balance between movement and stillness

Week Six:

The Mind: Keys to Shifting Mental Patterns, Part 1

  • Understand how memory works and why we are so often governed by our subconscious mind

  • Understand and become aware of projection as the way to bring the subconscious to consciousness

  • Begin the practice of present mind, and learn strategies for processing reactions and projections

  • Focus on internal monologues/dialogues and their themes, practice honesty with self

Week Seven:

The Mind: Keys to Shifting Mental Patterns, Part 2

  • Understand your sources of stress, both internal and external, and explore ways of managing or eliminating them

  • Understand the drivers of mental burnout and the role of trauma, including the experience of being neurodiverse

  • Continue practicing nervous system regulation as the foundation for creating new neural pathways

  • Focus on releasing resistance and need for control and practice radical self-acceptance

Week Eight:

The Mind: Keys to Shifting Mental Patterns, Part 3

  • Understand your shadow self and the importance of connecting to shadow and inner child

  • Explore the experience of being an empathic or highly sensitive person and how to navigate the world with these gifts

  • Understand the 'drama triangle' or energy pulling patterns

  • Explore your non-physical energy leaks

  • Set and practice new boundaries

Week Nine:

The Emotions: Somatic Memory, Old Trauma, Present Experience, Part 1

  • Understand how unexpressed emotion gets stuck in the body and practice sensing into your body to create movement

  • Continue with nervous system regulation practices to create safe space for emotional expression and release

  • Understand the nature of emotional release and when support from a practitioner is needed

  • Explore the felt sense experience of emotions that are yours and those you may be picking up from others

Week Ten:

The Emotions: Somatic Memory, Old Trauma, Present Experience, Part 2

  • Explore movement and play as methods for accessing and releasing stored emotion

  • Practice awareness of emotions as they arise and allowing their expression

  • Understand the shifts within self that can occur with emotional release, be the witness of self

  • Getting to know the new you after emotional expressions/releases

Week Eleven:

Spirit and Energy: The Source of all Healing, Part 1

  • Connect with something larger than yourself and explore your passion and purpose

  • Understand the energy that pervades all of life and the healing power of that energy

  • Experience your energy body and being part of the larger whole

  • Understand energy healing and different types of practitioners

  • Practice strategies for increasing and conserving your vital force (internal healing) energy

Week Twelve:

Spirit and Energy: The Source of all Healing, Part 2

  • Understand your own creative power from the perspective of existence as energy and vibration

  • Explore the power of sound/frequencies to create energetic shifts of Self

  • Consciously engage in flow and awareness of intuition and guidance

  • Explore rhythm and trance as access points for spiritual experience

  • Connect with spirit in a fully embodied way

© Copyright Dr Kate Broderick 2024 All Rights Reserved